A Bit About Us
How Motorbikeway started, and where we are today!
The Motorbikeway website was established in 2019 to create a place for my YouTube followers to hang out and discuss topics. I also wanted to create a "one stop" shop for all of the products I talk about on YouTube. My YouTube channel began publishing videos in 2013, and was inspired by three YouTube channels: "Svengalie" (RIP), "Jon Bird" with his motorcycle tour of Europe, and finally "Blockednostrils" with his "motorcycle touring and camping" video.
My first channel started out in 2012, with some very basic motorcycle maintenance videos. But after only a few months we were already planning to shut the channel down! I had inadvertently targeted my videos to the wrong audience, and completely overwhelmed my channel with negative comments, dislikes, and no views. It was an easy decision to go ahead and delete the channel!
In September of 2012, I took a long walk across the entire length of the UK (inspired by Imsodave). It took 36 days of intense walking and perseverance, but most importantly gave me time to think. I was documenting this journey with my phone and uploaded "daily video updates" for my work colleagues. The short video clips were uploaded to a charity channel named "CRUK2012". I returned home at the end of October and combined all of the video clips I had taken. This was my first ever vlog and it was re-uploaded as a 30 minute video, to the "CRUK2012" YouTube account (the video can be viewed at the bottom of this page).
For some unbeknownst reason, this video was successful? yet it had terrible sound, the video quality was awful, and it was basically me rambling on about where I was walking. This gave me a fresh idea to start something completely different. As a test, I decided to film a weekend away on the motorbike which would later be uploaded to my new YouTube channel "Motorbikeway". This was the first mildly successful motorcycle vlog I had created, and in turn set the tone for the future videos I was going to create.
So where did the name "Motorbikeway" come from. Well it sounds as ridiculous today as when I originally coined the term. I used the term "motorbikeway" as a route through an area that other vehicles couldn't get through! For example, If we were riding to a forest and the gate was locked, but we could still fit the bike through a gap - then we would be taking the "motorbikeway". If we were stuck in endless traffic, then we might take the "motorbikeway" through the middle. It may not roll off the tongue, but who knows, maybe one day it will catch on.
The Motorbikeway website is a place where I can talk about all the products I recommend, and everything to do with my motorcycle camping. The YouTube channel has been entirely self funded, the vlogs are real, and I would never consider advertising something I don't like. In fact, most weeks I am bombarded with terrible products that are completely unsuitable for my viewers, or motorbikes in general. All of the products, cameras and accessories in my videos are purchased by me, I do not receive any financial gain from these products, and that is a very important part of keeping this channel real.
Due to my commitment in bringing you products and information that I believe is useful, I end up sacrificing potential advertising deals and funding. This is why I am now accepting donations through this website, to help keep this site and the videos up and running. Making these videos and maintaining this website all costs time and money - All I ask is "if you enjoy watching my videos, and they have been of some benefit to you or your friends, then please help to fund the next project or video". I make these videos for everyone's viewing pleasure, and with enough donations I can invest more and bring new fresh content. Who knows, it might be your small donation that helps me get to the next charity event, raising even more money for great causes! As a thank you for your donation, please add your name in the notes section so I can give you a shout out in the next video!
A big thank you to everyone who watches my videos, and thank you to everyone who makes a purchase through the affiliate links. Also a special thank you to all of my subscribers & those who leave positive comments!
All the best & ride safely!
Frazer Langford
My First Ever Vlog
Filmed way back in 2012, and uploaded to the YouTube channel "CRUK2012". This was my first ever vlog, documenting an entire walk across the UK. It was the success of this particular video format, that later led on to the many successful motorcycle vlogs. The key to my video success, is its simplicity.